Hey guys! Christmas is just around the corner and I can really feel it with the busy streets, mall crowd, night lights and TRAFFIC! Haha! A lot of people are trying their knot and ringing their bells this Christmas or nearly after New Year. I actually have one to attend to already next year February! Guess what? I’ll be a bridesmaid again to my ninong’s wedding!!! And if given the chance to help my future ninang with all the preparations on her wedding I’ll be more than willing to recommend her a jewelry shop that I know named Jeulia. Jeulia is a Hong Kong based jewelry shop that showcases a lot of jewelries- rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings and even charms!
To all the bride to be ladies that are currently reading my blog, you’re surely lucky to be here for an exciting announcement! Jeulia is currently having its Christmas SALE of around 20%--50% on some selected items from the category of bridal ring sets- engagement rings, wedding ring for the bride and wedding ring for the groom!
They also have vintage bridal sets and sterling silver bridal sets that you should check out. Each rings are well curated and are custom made to evoke the personality and emotion of the buyer. If I were to help my ninang in choosing her wedding ring I would probably suggest these following rings to her:
Classic Round Cut Sterling Silver Ring Set
Halo Cushion Cut Sterling Silver Ring Set
Modern Asscher Cut Interchangeable Sterling Silver Ring Set
Irregular Round Cut Sterling Silver Ring Set
All these rings that I’ve chosen have one thing in common- they are all classy and elegant. It’s not too thick and it doesn’t have too much stones. If you have the same taste as mine you may want to consider these rings in choosing your own! If not, you can visit Jeulia’s website and see the rings for your own!
Advance Merry Christmas everyone!