Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Twist of Joy

How are you doing so far this summer? :) If you're currently bored and got nothing to do but eat-sleep-checks all social accounts routine repeatedly well we're in the same situation. SUMMER feels. Haayyy. 
Anyway, Last Thursday I was literally jumping of joy when I checked my 2nd semester final grades online. It was unbelievable! I thought my DL moment will end already but thank God it didn't. 
I was very happy that I got the score I never expected in Chemistry. I haven't cried a single tear in Chemistry (unlike during the first sem in Physics. Shhh. Hahahaha). But to be honest Organic Chem was wayyy wayyy harder than Physics! It was during the pre-lim and midterm last sem wherein I experienced to receive consecutively the lowest quiz and major exam scores everrr!!! Nakaka-stress!!! Ang hirap talaga pag hindi gets ang lesson. :( I always think if my grades will still pass 3.0 whenever I try to compute it. The good thing was that everything improved and changed during the semis and finals especially the major exams. I'm so thankful and satisfied with my Chem grade! :)
 Same as Chem were my Pol Sci and Philo. Without those extra points and credits in Pol Sci, I don't think I'll get a score like that. I don't really expect a high grade in that subject because of our prof but I still thank him for giving me a really unexpected grade which shocked me the most! Hahaha. On the other hand, Philo seemed to be just an easy subject during our pre-lims till semis until it ate up the finals! Dito talaga ako nakaranas ng 3 hours sleep for 3 consecutive days dahil sa paggawa ng final papers. Those sleepless nights were payed off when I saw that 1.0 grade. 
 This is how you can picture me after viewing my grades and knowing that I'm still on the Dean's List! Yey! So happy! :) Umabot pa din kahit papano. Hahahaha.

PS. Even though I'm not even on the half of my journey of being a dentist (still have 5 years, 10 semesters) as early as now I'll strive to become better and do better in my studies. No money nor difficulties should be wasted just because I did not do my best while I still can. :)  



  1. Hello darling, how you feel about following each other???? let me know if you are willing to, and I'll follow u back,
    xoxo, R

  2. Such a lovely look, I love black and white!
    Thank you so much for stopping by! Keep in touch! xoxo

  3. You sound like such a hard-working and motivated student! I'm sure your teachers must love you :P Chemistry and Physics have always been my weakest subject. I hate Science for life. Hahaha! Anyway congrats on your high grades! And lovely outfit too! :)

  4. Lovely outfit! I like the skirt.

  5. Cute swirly skirt! And I am so glad I don't have to take organic chemistry! I just have to take physics :( :)


  6. Thank you for dropping a comment on my blog! I totally suck at chemistry science and maths. I just don't do well with my left brain I guess!

    xxx MODEmoiselle
    or connect with me via Instagram :)

  7. You look so classy in this outfit! I adore your skirt <3

    Happy Easter,

  8. daydreamer and believer also decribes me. lovlely blog and lovlely pics!!

    get some sporty chic inspiration

  9. What a fabulous look. Love the black and white together!

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