Monday, April 19, 2021

5 unisex skincare essentials that make summers easier


Hello Ladies & Gentlemen! This blog is attributed to 5 basic summer essentials every man & woman should have in their skincare cabinet.

The natural products listed below are going to be super helpful in protecting you against the wrath of hot summers whether you are a man or a woman as these products are unisex that can used by everyone irrespective of the gender.

•  Broad spectrum sunscreen: Summers mean hot weather conditions at peak where sun is constantly dazzling over your head. In this case, the only thing that can protect you from the most harmful ultraviolet rays is a broad spectrum sunscreen. Go for a natural sunscreen with an apt SPF (sun protection factor) that guarantees protection against UVA & UVB rays efficiently.

 Vanilla Dust: Hot weather may result in increased perspiration. More sweat, more irritation. To soak sweat & bombard on yourself a cheerful & refreshing experience you need a body powder that soaks up sweat quickly & deals with bad body odor at the same time. Deyga’s talc free Vanilla dust is absolutely skin friendly & apt for usage in sensitive areas of your body.

•  Rose Water: A splash of hydration is all you need in dehydrating summers. Skin tends to dry much often in hot weather conditions, so drink more water to retain hydration internally & spritz rosewater on your face to keep it fresh & glowing externally throughout the day.

 Multi-flower Glow Face Mask: No matter how hard you dry, you are bound to get tanned in summers. Deyga’s multi-flower ready to use glow face mask would de-tan your skin naturally in just a few minutes for it contains the powerful floral essence of wide variety of different flowers.

Charcoal Bath Bar: A strong detoxifier for your entire body is a big must-have in summers & what’s better than charcoal bath bar! Charcoal is a natural cleanser that cleans your skin from within so much so that it can even strip off layers of dead cells after a few constant uses. Make your bathing experience more exotic with this potent bath bar.

These natural & organic products are all available on the official website of Deyga Organics. You can avail special offers on your first purchase. Stay fresh & have more chilling time this summer!

*Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by Deyga Organics.



  1. Great recommendations! I wear SPF every single day, it's so important!
    Amy x

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  2. What a great post and great recommendations! I am liking the sound of that Vanilla body powder!

    Life is a Shoe

  3. The vanilla dust sounds interesting. I use rosewater every day. Thanks so much for sharing. /Madison <3

  4. Love them all Thanks darling Cris

  5. Never forget that sunscreen! It's one of the best anti-agers out there!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  6. My absolute favorite is rose water. I always repurchase it!

  7. Great recommendations! Sunscreen is an essential of mine x

    mia //

  8. Suas postagens são ótimas, estou seguindo seu blog e curtindo bastante!! Parabéns!

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  9. Oh this brand sounds really good and that Vanilla Dust sounds AMAZING!!

    Allie of

  10. I am going to have to look into these!

    Danielle |

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