Perfect Holiday Gift for the Hardworking Girls

 Hey guys! Happy Halloween! How are you all doing? I've been pretty busy lately (not only with clinic) but because we've been involved in a car accident the day before my birthday and I have to communicate with a lot of people and the insurance company. It's traumatizing but I'm still thankful that no one got hurt and my family is safe. Aside from that. Halloween just passed and everyone got busy already preparing for Christmas holidays! Talk about that big

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 Heeeyyyy guys! After several attempts of blogging something personal here, I FINALLY DID IT! Waaaahh goosebumps hahaha! This is my first entry this year so you gotta brace yourself because this will be lengthy. I miss you my blog! I missed you, missdream-girl!!! My 17 year old self is very happy! January 2022 started with very high hopes for me! Board exam theoretical phase finally happened. We thought it's going to be a smooth start until Omicron happened too which resulted to

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Off to an exciting start with waistdear

 Hey everyone! I'm writing tonight while the rain is pouring hard in my place. I really hope that there will be no typhoon number 2 anytime soon. On the brighter side I'm happy I got back my internet connection too!! How are you all up to? :) A few days ago while I was pondering alone I had thoughts of starting my other personal 2022 goals this coming month. I'm talking about losing weight-- going on a diet and most importantly working

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Today is Lolita Fashion!

Hey guys! How are you all doing? Have you heard of the famous Lolita dresses? I have always heard about it before but I do not have the idea of what one looks like. I did some research online and found modern ones that goes well with the current fashion today-- puff sleeves and fitted waist. To my surprise I found a classic Lolita dress that got my eyes attention! It is like some sort of a Victorian dress which I see

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My 2022 Secret Goal

 Hey guys! Happy first week of August! How are you all doing? We're past our mid year already which means that we're so close to hearing Christmas songs everywhere! I'm actually starting to play my favorites and it excites me everyday knowing that I'll be celebrating my first Christmas this year as a licensed dentist. In this blog I want to share with you one of my goal that I want to tick off on my 2022 list. That is to lose

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Summer essentials

 Hey guys! It's still summer in my country but with a little pour of rain shower. How are you all doing? It's a nice day today just stay at home and work in pajamas with a hot mocha coffee on hand. Today's a great day since I've dedicated much time in blogging and gathering ideas for the blog. I called for an off today from my clinic to simply focus on other stuffs and spent most of my time in front

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Wedges, yay or nay?

Hey guys! It's almost the end of the month! How are you all doing so far? Are you still on summer high? I've been busy lately juggling between working in different dental clinics and catching up with colleagues and friends. What also keeps me busy this week is my preparation for the upcoming Induction of New Dentists in Batangas City Dental Chapter. Ahhhh, this is finally happening. It's only once a dream that's finally a reality now. Speaking of preparation for

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My favorite season

 Hello everyone! How are you all doing? Is everyone on summer break already? Well, good for you! Life update: I already started working as a dentist and since this month started I only had 3 days off! Blessings are pouring one after another. I'm starting to gain patients in my practice and I couldn't be more grateful for it. I'm trying to save up for (of course bills and) a trip next year to a snowy place.What I missed the most

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Winter Preparation

 Hey guys! We’re already past our half year and can you imagine how time literally went by really fast?? It’s the start of the rainy season already in my place and I can’t wait for the colder days to come. As seasons change gradually so as the clothes that we wear. Winter is actually my favorite season. Although we still have to travel to experience winter in other place, this season excites me the most. The idea of snow, snow mountains,

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Gown for a Queen

 Hey guys! It's time for my Part 2 post about the dresses that I'm talking about in my previous post. I was browsing through their website and I was hooked up by a lot of beautiful gowns that they offer. We're not even done yet with their prom dresses online! They still have a lot in store. Let me show you more of my favorites and tell you why these sequins prom gowns caught my eyes!I'm not really a fan of

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